Tuesday 9 September 2014

Day 10 - Tent to Swakopmund

0645 was our time to load up. Once done we drove to breakfast and then headed down the dusty road. We stopped for a 3 ft. Fat Puff Adder that was slithering slowly across the road and made a bathroom stop a mile further at Solitaire that had a bunch of old vehicles for decoration. 
Once on the road again, we settled in and I put my jacket up against the window as the sun was making it quite warm by the window. 
At one of the few curves in the road we came across an overturned vehicle with a number of people around. They had recently crashed probably due to washboard condition of the gravel road. We stopped but other than being shaken up they were ok. 
In the middle of nowhere we came across a pullout with a road sign. .... TROPIC OF CAPRICORN so we all got out for a group photo that took quite a while as no one was that familiar with their self timers and my camera was set up with the big lens. 
The next landscape change happened as we entered the Badlands of Namibia. The badlands consists of numerous small hills with sharp rocks. All the rock here is at a 45 degree angle when some massive geological event raised up part of the earth here. We made a couple of photo stops in this area before getting back to flat dessert with nothing but small rocks around. 
The landscape slowly changed once again as we neared the coastal town of Walvis Bay. We were now in desert country similar to what I had experienced in Saudi Arabia.  There was a lot of flat ground that was comprised a hard beige coloured sand with rolling dunes in the background. 
About 10 minutes drive south of Walvis Bay it started to get noticeably cooler and the sun was obscured by a low dense cloud or fog since the first time since we arrived in South Africa. At  first it was welcome but when we got out everyone was now cold lol. 
Lunch was a very long affair and delayed our arrival time in Swakopmund by a couple of hours. 
We were staying at a nice hotel by the waterfront and it even had wifi!
We had a couple of hours where we just relaxed and then went out for a supper that was mostly seafood. Supper was too close to lunch though and both Bob and I wanted a break from the late dinners tomorrow night.  

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