Thursday 11 September 2014

Day 12 - To Ugab Terrace Lodge

Day 12
It is Thursday. 11 Sept around 9 Am as we leave Swakopmund and head up the coast. We stop at a shipwreck for some photos early in the day. Although it is in the middle of nowhere there are a number of guys trying to sell rocks there. The unemployment rate is high in Namibia, even though the mining industry is expanding. 
As we continue, the pavement turns to a hard sandy road, then gravel, then washboard. The coolness of being near the ocean fades to warmth and then hot as we leave the coastal region. The landscape has become hilly and infested with rocks and boulders once again.  
We have lunch at a small town and see numerous Himba tribe people around and along the road as we continue. 
By the time we reach Ugab, we have covered 430 km.  The drive was worth it as we have an awesome view of the fingerling terrace in the distance. I take numerous photos of it, despite the wind, as it is quite the site for me. 
Supper is great, Mike brings his laptop afterwards and it is neat to see the shots he took of the red dunes. 
The room is great, but there are no outlets that work so my photo upload time and battery recharging is going to have to wait for another day. Outstanding place to stay!!!
We have to meet for breakfast at 0645, packed and ready to go. 

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